Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Why invite someone to Church?

We talk a lot about inviting others to various activities at church in order to introduce them to God...so, thought I'd tell you a little story about inviting a person to a church activity...

There was this little 8 year old boy that went to church at Eastside Church of Christ (I think that's the correct name). He was excited because Vacation Bible School was starting. He invited the 8 year old little girl that lived down the street from him, in a trailor with her mother and her live-in boyfriend at the time.

So, the girl went to Vacation Bible School for the first time. She enjoyed the activities and liked the people. She wanted to go back to the church, but there was no way her mother was going to drive her the 2ish miles to go to church on Wed nights or get up on Sunday mornings.

But, this church had a very unique program. They had a church bus and they drove all over town every Sunday Morning and Sunday Evening and Wednesday Evening to pick up children who wanted to go to church, but their parents wouldn't take them. So, this 8 yo girl got on that bus on Wednesday nights to go to church and be with her new friends.

Now, I know, typically children whose parents are not involved in church don't typically stay involved in church. But, this 8yo girl continued to go to church. Every Wednesday night. Eventually she started going on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights. She got herself up and dressed and ready for the bus. Yes, there were periods of time that she didn't bother with it. There were some long periods of time, in fact. But, that bus ALWAYS went by to pick her up. No matter where the girl moved to, they were there to take her.

There came a time that this girl was moving out of state. She was now 13 years old. For 5 years this church had been a constant and made sure that this girl new there were people out there that are caring and loving...and that there was God, who was always there.

So, there came moving day. The Eastside Church of Christ had called Churches of Christ in the state and city that the girl was moving to. It was a small town, so only one church there. They made arrangements with members of the church to pick up the girl, take her to church, and get her involved.

Plenty happened over the next few years, but church was always a constant. The Eastside Church in Baytown Texas continued to call and check in with the girl, making sure she was still active in church and growing spiritually.

Time came to go off to college. She chose Harding University. She didn't bother to apply to any other college. Well, she really didn't know she should apply to more than one college. Once again, the church stepped in and called the College Church of Christ as they wanted to make sure this young woman continued on her spiritual journey. But, when she decided she couldn't continue at Harding due to finances, once again Eastside Church stepped in, paying for whatever student loans did not pay for.

That woman went on to finish school, attaining her master's degree in social work in order to go on an help others. She has brought numerous foster children into her home, several of whom have remained in a church (not always Church of Christ, but a church of some faith).

The Eastside Church of Christ came to a time that they questioned the need for the bus to go and pick up children and take them to church. In response to an elder stating "what good is it, it hasn't brought anyone to God", another elder replied, "don't forget XXXX" Over all those years, do they really think only that one child was affected?

It is amazing how one invitation by an 8 year old little boy to attend Vacation Bible School can have such a dramatic affect on the lives of not only one 8 year old little girl, but also all those she has tried to show God's love to...

Without that invitation...without that Church's Bus...without that Church continuing to care and demonstrating that with their actions...that little girl would have ended up like others in that family, jail, drugs, children outside of marriage, etc. What a blessing an invitation to church ended up being.

Everything about this story is true. It really happened to a member of Central Church of Christ. I am that little 8 year old girl.

Remember that the next time you hesitate to invite someone to church b/c it will "take too much time", "there's no room to give them a ride", etc.

Remember, my journey started with an invitation by an 8yo boy to attend VBS!